Car8 re-launches B2C online platform with MERCURY

Many would be familiar with the Car8 name. Perhaps you’ve even sold your car or via them before. Car8 is now getting into the a new online marketplace with new features.

Price Index Feature

And there’s no better time to go B2C.  There are many good deals to be had in the used car arena, but as we’ve pointed out earlier, it’s a minefield for those who aren’t familiar with the nuts and bolts of cars. Even for those who are more informed, the sheer amount of choice and the areas to inspect can be daunting. And there’s also the issue of trust when it comes to dealers.

The new price index feature provides a more accurate index for specific car/ model in past 6 months trend with the market average price.  User can compare specific car/ model and the changes in market.

Multi-lingual Ready

User interface has now build in with 8 languages and Car8 can execute their international market launch without re-do deploy a new version or wait for IT readiness.

Car8 CEO Cahill says that many used car buyers are worried about car quality and potential post-purchase problems, and Car8 new venture is to address these issues.  “Our Car Purchase Preference Survey shows that consumers appreciate features like extended warranty, test drive when it comes to buying used cars. Car8 now generated an eco system to provide an end-to-end services for buyer to buy the used car with ease” he said.

“If a car catches your eye, you can book an appointment online and proceed to test drive at the selected Center. We are glad that MERURY has re-vamp our platform end-to-end within 1 month and demonstrate strong capabilities on implementing a platform with positive ROI.  We shall launch additional features and functions and we finally have a strong IT capabilities that can realise our business plan within week.”

The new website is available here:

Car8 re-launches B2C online platform with MERCURY
James Huang April 30, 2021
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