Learn AI in 2024 (3 of 5): Mastering Python and PyTorch at Your Fingertips


Our entire platform is built using Python and Javascript. Python is an extremely easy-to-learn programming language, widely adopted in Machine learning and NLP. With its flexible deployment options and low hardware requirements, Python is likely to dominate the market for the next five years.

Beginners, start here: Practical Python Programming.

If you’re already comfortable with Python, consider Advanced Python Mastery.

Both are excellent courses by David Beazley, author of the Python Cookbook.

Next, watch some of **James Powell’s** talks

And read Python Design Patterns.



Watch the PyTorch Tutorials by Aladdin Persson.

The PyTorch website is also a great resource:

You can test your knowledge with some puzzles:


James Huang January 5, 2024
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