Teaching in a Pandemic: How Educators Are Handling the Sudden Shift to Distance Learning

Today, in Hong Kong as the coronavirus escalated into a larger pandemic, hong kong government made the difficult decision to shut school district doors—forcing an abrupt and nearly universal shift to distance learning that proved disruptive for online educator, teachers, students, and parents alike.

We at Mercury have had to make some quick pivots of our own, changing most meeting to online and helping our customer to adopt the changes.  As we worked to develop those new function, we asked three clients to work with us on how they and their students have been adapting to this new, all-online learning environment, and how they’ve managed to overcome some of the unique challenges it presents. 

Our new app provides seamless integration between Zoom and our Events ticketing and eLearning App. Simple configuration of Zoom server can connect online meetings and minimise customer administrator effort to inform all participant.

Teaching in a Pandemic: How Educators Are Handling the Sudden Shift to Distance Learning
James Huang July 30, 2021
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