James Huang Mercury shares about Digital Transformation by Google Cloud James Huang, Business Architect of Mercury Technology Solution shares how Mercuryembraces innovation and leverages cloud technology and data analytics to aid customer on Digital Transformation. Mercur...
James Huang John Tsang Chun-Wah launched NFT Collection After leaving the Hong Kong Government as the longest serving Financial Secretary, John has been active working with technology start-ups in our city. Through this NFT project, he hopes to bring some ...
James Huang How NFT be a game changer? NFTs are growing faster than we think they are. The popularity is at all time high and is attracting massive attention across the world.As far as the scope is concerned, It has unquestionably benefite...
James Huang How energy efficient is your blockchain? Sustainability is on everyone’s minds these days. Take electric vehicles – nearly every auto manufacturer is producing one; many governments subsidize them; and the infrastructure for them is growing ...
James Huang Energy Efficient NFT At Mercury, we strive to make NFTs accessible and relevant to everyone. To us, that means not only building a tool for everyone to express their fandom, but also making intentional choices to leave a ...
James Huang 九死一生 從創業看天時,地利,人和 BossMind x James Huang專欄 這10年來,我認識不少到中國創業的香港,歐美創業團隊。他們看到13億人口市場看得眼紅,想要分一杯羹,於是跑到中國開公司。許多創業團隊都有一樣的毛病:無論是資本、專業、知識、人脈、洞察力都缺,但幾個人興之所至,就去創業了。 看到至少50組創業團隊,真正做成的不過一兩組。大多數的撐了一兩年不到,就蝕錢離場。這些人裡面,從高學歷、家裡有錢、拿了幾筆融資的...
James Huang 成為Slash一族要在辭職前 BossMind x James Huang專欄 零工/炒散/Slash:你有冇一技之長? 通行世界的人才,你腦中會浮現什麼樣的關鍵字?海外名校 MBA 畢業,英文流利像母語,在Fortune 100上班,當空中飛人是家常便飯?COVID 後工作型態開始產生質變與量變,努力「返工」對於生活穩定的保證不再。一技之長是提供個人價值並獲得回報的前提,即使做不到Slash一樣擁有多重職業和身分,也該思考如...
James Huang 如何分辨「偽.創業」 Case 1: 老友N年未見約我,咖啡都未到,就開始講:「我渴望成功,多年來一直尋找志同道合的拍擋,所以想跟你分享。我們公司有一套成功致富的系統,你只要花一些人脈與時間就可以創業,好多大公司的知名人士、高層主管,跟你一樣都做得幾好但還是選擇加入我們,例如XX公司CEO XYZ,都跟我們一起在共創業呢!而且……(下删1000字)」,言未畢,我已雙眼反白。 Case 2: 有位做Marketing A...
James Huang 創業不是一場賭博,你需要好設計 MP3的誕生消滅了唱片公司CD產業、Spotify/Apple Music又消滅了MP3產業。Smartphone的導航功能讓車用GPS變成夕陽產業。新產品顛覆既有產業,亦正在改變這個世界。創業者每天要賭的是「主題」, 沒有人希望自己正在進行的事業很快地成為夕陽產業,因為這關係到創業是否成功、能走多遠。人生每天都在賭,創業也是,每天都是「焗賭」。 在60年前,好設計更多指的是一種純粹的產品美學,而...
James Huang 別再迷戀「藍海」 紫海策略有三大優勢 「藍海策略」和「紅海策略」你肯定都聽過,簡單來說,「藍海」是指那些面積寬廣、還沒有競爭者進入的新市場;而紅海呢,是指人多,特別擁擠的現有市場。 「紅海策略」的獲利方程式:壓低成本、搶佔市佔率、大量傾銷等傳統商業手法。「藍海策略」(Blue Ocean Strategy)就是不完全競爭的市場,這個市場競爭者少或尚未有競爭者。 由於進入者少的關係,對於商品價格,消費者沒有辦法做價格上的比較,企業得以訂...
James Huang Lesson from Beirut From colony to couture, no other Middle Eastern city has proved itself to be a hub of art and fashion quite like Beirut. The fusion of East and West, of tradition and modernity, earned the Lebanese ca...
James Huang Teaching in a Pandemic: How Educators Are Handling the Sudden Shift to Distance Learning Today, in Hong Kong as the coronavirus escalated into a larger pandemic, hong kong government made the difficult decision to shut school district doors—forcing an abrupt and nearly universal shift to ...