KOL, Content Management, and Email Marketing

 The client is a columnist and investor, who writes a broad range of subject, among them economics, politics, culture, and investment. The writings started over 15 years ago on newspaper columns, and has since moved onto blogspot and facebook. The client uses Blogspot and facebook as the main platform to distribute his articles and to interact with his readers. The articles and page also serves as a marketing platform for his investment company. 

With Facebook’s always changing policies on reach, and the current political climate, the reach of his influence is at facebook’s whim. Any changes to Facebook ranking algorithm could decimate his readership. Even worse, if the page come under abuse of facebooks reporting function, or Facebook is blocked in Hong Kong, he would permanently lose his ability to reach his readers. 


MERCURY developed an independent content management and email marketing platform, which returns the control of content and reach to the client’s hand. 

The platform comes with following feature:

1. Powerful content management system with google analytics integration. We have imported the clients archive from blogspot and allow him to retain his 1000+ blog posts.

2. What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get website editor. The client can update the look and feel of the website without any coding knowledge. 

3. Email list management and mass email marketing. Interested readers can register their email addresses for contents tailored base on their preferences. The email system conforms with mass email best practices to ensure proper delivery to all major email providers. 

4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). MERCURY’s SEO experts worked together with the client to ensure top ranks on google for important keywords. 


1. Mailing list ensure high reach percentage on new articles, liberating the client from Facebook‘s monopoly. 

2. SEO brought in organic traffics outside Facebook users’ usual demography.  

3. Google analytics integration gives insight to topic that interests most reader. With the insight, the client focused on topics that attracts and retains readers, increasing readership. 

KOL, Content Management, and Email Marketing
James Huang October 26, 2018
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