James Huang Mercury Technology Solution 落戶告士打道 我們很高興地宣布,Mercury Technology Solution 已遷往灣仔告士打道的新辦公地點!當我們遷入新居時,我們不禁被這條香港地標街道的悠久歷史所吸引。告士打道見證了數十年的轉變,反映了灣仔的活力精神和香港作為全球樞紐的演變。 加入我們的時光之旅,探索 Gloucester Road 從搖擺的六十年代到繁華的九十年代的燦爛歷史。 灣仔最初是漁民的聚居地,他們都聚集在海神洪聖爺的廟宇... #Acceleratedigitality
James Huang Mercury 新辦公室 (灣仔) 我們搬遷到告士打道不僅是換換環境,更是我們利用技術提升協作、生產力和客戶體驗的一次飛躍。我們的新灣仔辦公室是 Mercury 對「加速數位化」承諾的見證,也是我們為客戶提供解決方案的展示櫥窗。以下是我們新辦公室的科技幕後花絮: 無縫連接:網路生態系統 我們新辦公室的核心是強大且安全的網路基礎設施。這不是一般的辦公室網路;它的設計目的是與我們其他的全球辦公室無縫連接,促進跨國界的即時協作與溝通。無論... #Acceleratedigitality
James Huang 與曾俊華一同前往 SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 的難忘旅程 我們很高興與大家分享最近與香港特別行政區前財政司司長曾俊華先生(中文名稱:曾俊華)的一次難忘的經歷。這次的SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024之旅不僅展示了Mercury的尖端科技和有趣的內容,更是一次充滿活力的思想、創新和未來願景的交流。 探索人工智能與中小企業的交集 在訪問期間,我們有幸與曾先生就人工智能 (AI) 的作用及其對中小型企業 (SME) 的轉型影響進行了深入的對話。他深刻的... #Ai 企業中的 Ai
James Huang Journey to Kuramae Tracing its roots back to Hong Kong's Industrial workshop, Mercury Technology Solution, a leader in delivering cutting-edge tech innovations, has earmarked Kuramae, Tokyo for their newest office. Bypa...
James Huang Propelling Operational Efficiency To New Heights In the current landscape where digital transformation transcends all traditional boundaries, innovation has become the touchstone of modern business success. One such disruptive innovation streamlinin... #Ai 企業中的 Ai
James Huang MERCURY 很高興地宣布,我們正在推出一個播客 Exciting news from MERCURY! We're very excited to announce that we are launching a podcast. We are launching a new bi-weekly podcast featuring interviews with business professionals, creatives, and en...
James Huang Infrastructure Upgrade 4.0 The team here conduct a deployment project forall customers to make them Generative AI ready. Effective immediately, all MERCURY customer now can choose their PRIMARY server locations. (Hong Kong, Sin...
James Huang GPT 已登陸 Mercury!介紹 Mercury 平台上的 AI Content Creator。 Mercury 很榮幸地宣佈 AI Content Creator 的到來,這是 OpenAI 專為內容創作而設計的 GPT 模型的客製化版本。 AI Content Creator 適用於 Mercury 套件中的所有應用程式,包括聊天機器人、電子商務產品說明、電子郵件行銷內容、產品照片和 SEO 關鍵字。只需輸入幾個關於所需文字或現有產品標題的輸入,即可為網站建立自訂內容。此功能可用於產生從吸...
James Huang 太古地產50週年紀念 https://www.swireproperties.com/en/about-us/50th-anniversary/nft/ As part of its year-long 50th anniversary festivities in 2022, Swire Properties has launched an exciting line-up of world-class arts p...
James Huang 新合作夥伴公告:納米網 IWe released a blog post comparing the Optical Character Recognition aka OCR software of some of the biggest tech companies around the world such as Amazon and Microsoft. They were all outperformed by...
James Huang Chief Mouser 辦公室有新成員! Beau, KiKi and Layla was recruited on recommendation for their sociable, bold, and confident nature. They joined the MERCURY team and have made a significant impacts since 2021. In 2022, KiKi bought i...
James Huang Mercury 分享有關 Google Cloud 的數位轉型 James Huang, Business Architect of Mercury Technology Solution shares how Mercuryembraces innovation and leverages cloud technology and data analytics to aid customer on Digital Transformation. Mercur...