James Huang Chain of Thought: DeepSeek's Unique Approach to Reasoning Models This article discusses the Chain of Thought (CoT) reasoning model, focusing on DeepSeek's unique approach compared to other models like GPT. Introduction The release of GPT O3-mini, the fourth reasoni...
James Huang Standing on Giants: How China "Caught Up" (and What It Really Means) This post isn't for those who think any criticism of China is just blind America-loving, Taiwan-obsessed nonsense. This is for those with real-world experience in manufacturing and detail implementati...
James Huang Has DeepSeek Exposed the American AI Industry's "Emperor's New Clothes"? The American AI scene is in a tizzy. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence, yet whispers are circulating about a Chinese startup, DeepSe...
James Huang The AI Gold Rush: It's Not About Productivity (Yet), But About Future Consumption The AI hype train is roaring down the tracks, and everyone's expecting a boom in productivity. But hold on! What we're seeing right now is an explosion in consumption , not production. And it's not ju...
James Huang MissAV 事件 本篇文章將討論網域名稱的關鍵作用,並以最近涉及成人網站 MissAV 的事件為重點。 大約兩星期前,日本、台灣和香港的許多論壇都報導了熱門成人網站 MissAV 被關閉的消息。訪問 MissAV 的 .com 網域現在會重定向到一個多國語言的頁面,說明該網站是一個視頻盜版平台,而且該網域已被查封。 眾所周知,域名是公司最寶貴的數位資產之一。全世界的人都使用網域名稱來尋找公司網站、電子郵件和其他線上...
James Huang 重構 DeepSeek 敘述 DeepSeek:開放原始碼的勝利,不是中國 最近,DeepSeek 等強大人工智能模型的出現引發了有關全球人工智能領導地位的討論。很多人將其令人印象深刻的表現視為中國在這一重要技術領域超越美國的標誌。然而,這種解讀忽略了關鍵的一點:DeepSeek 的成功主要不是國家競爭的故事,而是 AI 開源開發力量的有力證明。 開放原始碼:DeepSeek 勝利背後的無名英雄 DeepSeek 的成就建立在...
James Huang 擁抱改變,你比想像中更堅強 在漫威宇宙中,夜魔俠 (Nightcrawler) 可能不像鐵甲奇俠 (Iron Man) 或蜘蛛俠 (Spiderman) 那樣家喻戶曉,但他獨特的魅力和深刻的故事吸引了許多影迷。這位失明的律師白天在法庭打官司,晚上則以蒙面英雄的身份在城市的陰暗處保護弱勢群體。 最近,Disney+ 宣佈推出全新的 Nightcrawler 電影,讓這位蒙面英雄再度成為焦點。今天,我想和大家分享夜魔人故事中最令...
James Huang 小收穫,大勝利 In StarCraft, victory rarely comes from a single, decisive blow. Instead, it's often the result of a series of small advantages that accumulate over time. Securing an early expansion, optimizing worke...
James Huang The Right Team for the Task In the heat of a StarCraft battle, deploying the right units at the right time can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Zealots excel against light infantry, but crumble against armored tan...
James Huang Strategy and Execution: Two Sides of the Same Coin In the realm of StarCraft, a brilliant strategy can crumble without flawless execution, and even the most skilled micro-management can't salvage a flawed plan. These two elements are inextricably link...
James Huang Timing is Everything: Seizing the Kairos Moment In StarCraft, a perfectly timed attack can cripple an opponent, while a delayed expansion can leave you economically vulnerable. The Greek word kairos encapsulates this concept beautifully – it refers...
James Huang Action is Your Ally: The APM of Business Success In the high-octane world of StarCraft, victory favors the swift. Top players are renowned for their blistering APM (actions per minute), a metric reflecting their ability to execute commands and maneu...