Thank You!

In April, 2020; MERCURY made a difficult decision to transition from B2B businesses into B2C selling.  The objective is to better align with our belief and decide our own roadmap on both products and market segment.

Moving from B2B to B2C demand very different things from our business. And while it could bring some massive benefits, it’ll also come with downsides. 

7 months passed, despite unexpected events in July/ Oct 2020 and the prolong COVID-19; we are on track to what we expected.

To summarise:

1. 27 new customers; ranges from Architecture firm, Community Service, Street Fashion brand, Food factory, Professional Service firm, Advertising Agency, Design firm and multiple Online retail shops.

2. Improved delivery capabilities: Average deployment timeline reduced from 17 business days to 11 business days.

3. Localised app module (HR/MPF/Accounting) to better fit Hong Kong market.

Sincerely appreciate the team’s effort; business partner’s patience to our service and referrals made.

We are looking forward to a prosperous 2021!


James Huang 2019年1月4日
MERCURY Business Architect join IAB Hong Kong 2021 Committees