James Huang Treehouse the Spiritual Shop Launch MERCURY is glad to provide an integrate business solution for Treehouse - the Spiritual Shop which comprise E-Commerce, Appointment Booking, Sales/ Invoice, POS and Accounting System. https://treehous...
James Huang Michelin-Star Chef and food deliveries Lockdown 2.0: Michelin-Star Chef and food deliveries Just when we thought we were out, they pulled us back in… well, hit us with our 4th wave pandemic and potentially second lockdown. However, just be...
James Huang Integrated Sales & Project Management for CPA firm MERCURY is glad to provide a customised solution to Unique CPA, an accounting firm in Hong Kong. Our Solution comprise 4 modules and we have complete the deployment in 2 weeks: 1. Project Timesheet 2....
James Huang eLearning & School Management The field of E-learning has gained increasing popularity, and for the right reasons. Over the last few years, intuitive learning software has seen leaps in offering a complete learning experience that...
James Huang Ticketing Platform for Hong Kong Drama We are proud to provide ticketing platform for Hong Kong local playwright Candace Chong Mui-ngam (莊梅岩) and Theatre playwrightOlivia Yan (甄詠蓓) in mid January, 2021. Thank you for your trust and godspee...
James Huang 創業起義|想去英國創業或移民?可找這個有心人(尹思哲) Extract from Apple Daily Column - investMAN, Dec 19, 2020 今日想講下鬼哥,唔係台灣藝人黃鴻升,而係一位香港創辦人朋友。 鬼哥四十出頭,早年銀行IT出身,跟住轉型Sales,專做資訊科技系統,由於戰績彪炳,唔使10年升做上市公司高層。 最近幾年,佢連環創業,包括老本行企業IT Solution、電商SaaS平台,甚至英國房地產發展商都做埋。 ...
James Huang Infrastructure Improvement While the world is enjoying their Christmas Holiday. The team here schedule 3 hours in Christmas day to implemented a long planned upgrade. Effective immediately, our database now deployed across mult...
James Huang Launch event with TIXLY Platform Launch events with TIXLY and reach your audience. MERCURY is proud to announce our White-Labeled ticketing end to end solutionfor you to succeed with your online, offline or hybrid events worldwide. O...
James Huang ERP project with Play Concept MERCURY provides an integrated set of construction industry-specific solutions designed to seamlessly and effectively manage every aspect of Play Concept's engineering and construction client project....
James Huang bossmind media select MERCURY as their IT outsourcing partner Technology is the number one force changing the face of business. Constantly evolving and adaptive technology transforms the way companies function, perhaps nowhere more so than in the field of sales ...
James Huang bossmind launches website Is there any reason to launch a new media company? In the era of Facebook, would it be sustainable? Professional editors and writers produce content, bundle it, and distribute it. With websites, media...
James Huang Digital Transformation with 青木堂 Digital transformation is a recurring theme in both general and specialized media all over the world. All sectors of the economy and society are being impacted, to a greater or lesser extent, by a wav...