James Huang Mercury Technology Solution Lands on Gloucester Road We're thrilled to announce that Mercury Technology Solution has moved to a new office location on Gloucester Road in Wan Chai! As we settle into our new home, we can't help but be fascinated by the ri... #Percepatan digitalitas
James Huang Mercury's New Wan Chai Office Our move to Gloucester Road isn't just about a change of scenery; it's a leap forward in how we leverage technology to enhance collaboration, productivity, and client experiences. Our new Wan Chai off... #Percepatan digitalitas
James Huang A Memorable Journey with John Tsang to SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 We are thrilled to share an unforgettable experience we recently had with Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, GBM, JP (Chinese: 曾俊華), the former Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR. This trip to SusHi Tech ... #Ai Ai Dalam Bisnis
James Huang Journey to Kuramae Tracing its roots back to Hong Kong's Industrial workshop, Mercury Technology Solution, a leader in delivering cutting-edge tech innovations, has earmarked Kuramae, Tokyo for their newest office. Bypa...
James Huang Propelling Operational Efficiency To New Heights In the current landscape where digital transformation transcends all traditional boundaries, innovation has become the touchstone of modern business success. One such disruptive innovation streamlinin... #Ai Ai Dalam Bisnis
James Huang MERCURY excited to announce that we are launching a podcast Exciting news from MERCURY! We're very excited to announce that we are launching a podcast. We are launching a new bi-weekly podcast featuring interviews with business professionals, creatives, and en...
James Huang Infrastructure Upgrade 4.0 The team here conduct a deployment project forall customers to make them Generative AI ready. Effective immediately, all MERCURY customer now can choose their PRIMARY server locations. (Hong Kong, Sin...
James Huang GPT has arrived on Mercury! Introducing the AI Content Creator on the Mercury Platform. Mercury is proud to announce the arrival of the AI Content Creator, a customized version of the GPT model by OpenAI designed for content creation. With this new feature, business owners will no longer...
James Huang 50th Anniversary NFT Swire Properties https://www.swireproperties.com/en/about-us/50th-anniversary/nft/ As part of its year-long 50th anniversary festivities in 2022, Swire Properties has launched an exciting line-up of world-class arts p...
James Huang New Partnership Announcement: Nanonets IWe released a blog post comparing the Optical Character Recognition aka OCR software of some of the biggest tech companies around the world such as Amazon and Microsoft. They were all outperformed by...
James Huang Chief Mouser Office have new member! Beau, KiKi and Layla was recruited on recommendation for their sociable, bold, and confident nature. They joined the MERCURY team and have made a significant impacts since 2021. In 2022, KiKi bought i...
James Huang Mercury shares about Digital Transformation by Google Cloud James Huang, Business Architect of Mercury Technology Solution shares how Mercuryembraces innovation and leverages cloud technology and data analytics to aid customer on Digital Transformation. Mercur...