Business & Marketing Strategy

Most marketing agency in the market, that give an 'objective" or 'action' instead of a true strategy, multi-layered, results-driven, actionable, and addressing the who-what-when-where-why-how to achieving each goal.

Our approach is to define our client overall longterm plan that helps them to sustain a competitive advantage - by understanding the needs and wants of your customers. The marketing strategy (the why) guides your tactics-based marketing plan (the how). The plan includes the actions you will execute to achieve your business goals.

There is no magic to achievement. It’s really about hard work, choices, and persistence.  We shared success and failure with our client.  We provide three work streams for our clients:

  •  Technology Platform

  • Agency Service to contract with opinion leader and celebrities

  •  Content Management Services to provide creative Sales & Marketing materials

We provide an unique proposition to understand your customers and knowing which campaigns on which channels has led to the most sales will enable you to establish the success of your activities and the return on investment (ROI) that particular channel returns. Customers move across channels quickly, therefore both your strategy and analytics should simultaneously adapt.

網誌: 洞察力
James Huang 2019年9月20日
Intangible Hong Kong cultural heritages to see before they vanish