James Huang 好孩子不要學系列:「如何識穿做數:中小企篇」 //本系列會說明一些常見的「做數」方法,但目的並非叫你學會「做數」,呢啲事留番俾受過訓練的專業人士就好。相反,這系列是為了讓你更有能力去發現舞弊的「蛛絲馬跡」。// 中小企除非諗住上市(要做靚本數簿),一般做法係以避免交稅為大前提,所以係盡量減少財務報表嘅盈利。 用前三篇嘅方法可以去整理一下。(大方向倒轉) 1. 「員工借Expense/ Sundry Cash 正常。但所有員工加埋可以支付公司三...
James Huang 好孩子不要學系列:「都想交少啲稅? 好孩子要學做三文治」 //本系列會說明一些常見的「做數」方法,但目的並非叫你學會「做數」,呢啲事留番俾受過訓練的專業人士就好。相反,這系列是為了讓你更有能力去發現舞弊的「蛛絲馬跡」。// 綠色炸彈又到,毫無例外每個人都想交少啲稅吧?與其冒着風險做假賬偷稅漏稅,好孩子不如學做三文治! 其實,係做一塊「雙重愛爾蘭+荷蘭三文治」。 假設你是一名香港人,在百慕達成立了一家公司把自己的知識產權都賣咗俾佢,之後佢喺愛爾蘭成立一家分...
James Huang How an ‘Ownership Mentality’ Benefits Customers When employees of a company take ownership and feel personally accountable for client satisfaction, it’s a win for everyone. They work harder, care more and serve customers better than non-owners. The...
James Huang Crown Motors collaborates with renowned designer Joe Kwan to launch the first Lexus UX NFT Electric car in Hong Kong Lexus, the luxury car company has commissioned a pop art inspired artwork by designer Joe Kwan. With electric cars quickly becoming the new normal, companies have been jumping at opportunities to join...
James Huang Replace your home office, coworking membership, or commercial lease. 3 weeks ago, my business partner show me a converted camping van. The camping van has converted with a bed, LPG, kitchen sink, storage room in a 1500cc Toyota Town Ace. It inspired me with something m...
James Huang Living in an Illusion: Understanding the 'False Demand' Phenomenon in Today's Economy In the current dynamic era, our economic perspective is shifting quite radically. Although scarcity was a pivotal concept of traditional economics that held that human wants for goods and services cou...
James Huang ActivityPub: The Decentralized Future of Social Networking? A look at ActivityPub, a 10-year-old protocol that could revolutionize social networking by making platforms interoperable and governed by open protocols. With several tech companies investing in Acti...
James Huang How the Fediverse is Changing the Game for Traditional Media With the rise of social media, traditional media outlets have faced new challenges in maintaining their audience and stay relevance. The Fediverse, a decentralized network of social media platforms, i...
James Huang The Transformative Shift: An Economy Without Humans As the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) continue to grow, many are left wondering what will happen to human jobs. It is widely believed that as AI surpasses human intelligence in various f...
James Huang The Dark Side of Advertising: How Tech Giants Exploit User Data to Target Us with Algorithmic Ads For numerous years, I have been emphasizing the effects of the internet on advertising. The extensive use of the internet has enabled the systematic collection of user data, which has brought about a ...
James Huang The Kotodama Effect: How Negative Language Can Invade Your Subconscious and Affect Your Life Learn from the Japanese concept of "Kotodama": Negative suggestive language can invade your subconscious at any time Unlike facial expressions or small movements people are accustomed to making, verba...
James Huang Crafting Perfect ChatGPT Prompts ChatGPT has become an omnipresent tool for answering a wide range of questions, from work and leisure to relationships and travel. However, to receive relevant responses, you need to compose a good pr...