James Huang Journalism under fire The last ten years were defined by the twin technological disruptions of mobile and social media, which fragmented attention, undermined advertising-based business models, and weakened the role of jou...
James Huang Transforming a Traditional Business Traditional businesses, because of the legacy they have in terms of business models and technologies, have struggled with their digital transformation when compared with born-digital companies. While ...
James Huang Who moved my Cheese? We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. — Bill Gates We’re at the start of an extremely bumpy road, my fri...
James Huang How open-source software transformed the business world? Eric S. Raymond, one of open-source's founders, said in his seminal work, "Every good work of [open-source] software starts by scratching a developer's personal itch." There's a lot of truth to that. ...
James Huang How to make your own FM Station for less than $400 PI-RATE RADIO: How to make your own FM Station for less than $400? Want to build your own radio station? All you need is a Raspberry Pi and a piece of wire. FM radio stations are basically just two th...
James Huang Ideas for newsroom transformation and digital revenue growth Although the COVID-19-pandemic has brought on crushing pressures to publishers’ traditional revenue models, it has nevertheless also ushered in an unprecedented increase in demand for quality journali...
James Huang Moving your paper forms online We started a project with a simple yet comically broad mandate: Get rid of paper forms and PDFs and make all the form dynamically create by end-users. A *lot* of that content was locked up in PDFs. Fo...
James Huang Keith Lam migrate his HTML website to our CMS Hong Kong based New Media Artist Keith Lam ( 林欣傑) managed his own portfolios and work in a static HTML webpage. After a brief discussion (2 mins) with us, we believe our CMS can do all current functio...
James Huang 8 Advantages Of Accounting Software For Startups If you’re like most business owners, you might have initially used a spreadsheet to track your finances . That’s a good tactic to start, but as your business grows, it will almost certainly become a c...
James Huang Insomnia, productivity and meditation I had been "suffering" from insomnia in past 9 months. Technically, I sleep about 3 hours a day - find it hard to go to sleep · wake up several times during the night · lie awake at night · wake up ea...
James Huang 2020 D-Biz With the continuous outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, all walks of life have suffered from the impact of knock-on effect. The former Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W. Yang, announced...
James Huang Running a Digital Newsroom Running a digital newsroom with limited resources “Running on empty” is not a new concept for digital newsrooms. Over the past couple of decades, the digital load has continuously expanded, and now yo...