James Huang Financial Market: Nuclear Option for China China’s government has a “nuclear weapon” at its disposal if it chose to declare the VIE structure that has been used to list many Chinese companies in New York, circumventing regulations in China tha...
James Huang The “inductivist turkey” This is a sad story. This story talks about a turkey. I’m talking about the “inductivist turkey”. This is a quite old story and many philosophers of science have been written about it for years, perha...
James Huang New way of dining post COVID-19 The FB market has been one of the direct victims of the pandemic but has shown impressive elasticity in adapting to the new realities. Many businesses have introduced service extensions such as delive...
James Huang About "Mercury" I shared my thoughts and articles to Willde Ng and he asked if my name/ branding inspired by "水銀瀉地,無孔不入"? (無所不通達的意思) Actually, my perfect business model is "Be Water" and Mercury is inspired by James ...
James Huang Resources Planning/ Scheduling and Service Reservation Resources are the most significant investment for most businesses. A business must utilize its resources most efficiently and intelligently when facing a highly competitive and volatile market. We are...
James Huang Change remains the name of the game I searched for new office for expansion in past 2 days. I was shocked the commercial building rental has gone so low. $22 (Hong Kong Dollar) per sq foot in Central and well furnish; $17 per sq foot in...
James Huang What is ERP? ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is a type of software system that assists organizations to manage nearly every aspect of their business processes. ERP software is able to simplify and automate i...
James Huang 咖啡、技術與咖啡體驗 Coffee and technology have gone hand in hand ever since the invention of the coffee drink. The reason is simple: you can’t make coffee without technology. Technology, in this case, is essentially what...
James Huang 數位轉型與技術無關 身為 IT 業者,我們這樣說似乎有點奇怪,但「技術不可能解決您遇到的所有業務問題,因為技術不一定是解決方案」。必須專注於您的企業想要達成的目標。您選擇實施的技術應該與您的整體業務策略相輔相成。而不是定義它。 從根本來說,這是因為大多數的數位技術提供了提高效率和親近客戶的可能性。但是,如果人們缺乏改變的正確思維,且目前的組織實務存在缺陷,那麼 DT 只會放大這些缺陷。 將技術視為一種工具,一種實現整...
James Huang What is a smart contract? A smart contract is a self executing program stored on a decentralised blockchain network — the blockchain technology is a database type that allows data to be stored in blocks that are chained togeth...
James Huang Graph is more than a thousand words They say a graph is more than a thousand words. I totally agree with it. I would prefer to look at a network graph, rather than reading through lengthy documents or a bunch of excel, to understand a c...
James Huang Our own Transformation MERCURY's business partner occasionally ask me: What do MERCURY do? It seems to them we do almost everything in IT segment. In reality, we keep transforming. Business transformation programs have long...