James Huang Car8 與 MERCURY 重新推出 B2C 線上平台 許多人對 Car8 這個名字並不陌生。或許您之前也曾經賣過自己的車。Car8 現正以全新的功能進入全新的線上市場。 價格指數功能 現在是進行 B2C 的最佳時機。二手車市場有許多好買賣,但正如我們先前所指出的,對於不熟悉汽車相關知識的人來說,二手車市場是個雷區。即使對於那些資訊較為靈通的人來說,茫茫多的選擇和需要檢查的地方也可能令人望而生畏。此外,談到經銷商,還有信任的問題。 全新的價格指數功能,...
James Huang MERCURY introduces Matterport's innovative AI digital twin technology to Greater China MERCURY introduces Matterport's innovative AI digital twin technology to Greater China’s insurance, retail, real estate and construction market. - MERCURY is the platform service partner for Matterpor... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang MERCURY provides online managed service platform for Dimension Plus Many artists struggle with the marketing end of their work. Artist should focus on art creation for create art. His/ her team would help to taking care other tasks to share more audience. That’s where...
James Huang Grand Opening Mercury Technology Solution is excited to share with you the kick-off grand opening of our office held on 18 November, 2021. Mercury offers digital transformation services for multiple industries, inc...
James Huang Car8.com signs 3-years strategic IT partnership contract with MERCURY Car8.com and MERCURY are pleased to announce a new 3-years strategic partnership agreement valued at $6 million. Under the agreement, Car8.com will partner with MERCURY team on its IT application deve...
James Huang MERCURY ’s New Logo (2021)— A puzzle with solution Logomark MERCURY’s logo continues its brand transformation by replacing iconic boxed M with puzzle with solution icon. MERCURY is in the middle of several major platform changes. MERCURY is moving away from it...
James Huang Job Title Inflation Whether it’s a long-time employee demanding a promotion, or the CEO’s efforts to keep everyone happy, inflating titles is an easy way out. Mcdonalds famously calls its HR managers, Chief Happiness Off...
James Huang ROUND LAB Partners with Mercury to Deliver Full Fledged Digital Transformation Solution Mercury is glad to announce our strategic partnership with Round-Lab, the all-rounded creative and branding studio with expertise in branding, publication and packaging etc. Together we will create th...
James Huang Ikigai (生き甲斐) : 你的工作沒有意義,你的人生也如是 三種最有害的成癮物是:海洛因、碳水化合物、和一份固定月薪。― Nassim Nicholas Taleb ,《黑天鵝效應》作者 2005年,我當時在跨國電訊公司工作,負責亞太地區的事務。這份工作職責輕鬆、百萬年薪,每月飛各地出差旅遊,期間的五星級住宿、餐廳消費都由公司付費。出差以外在香港辦公室的時間,可以每天準時上下班。如果做街頭問券調查,這個工作一定夢幻指數滿分。但是,我在2009年辭職了。 以...
James Huang Infrastructure Upgrade 2.1 The team here conduct an emergency deployment project for selected clients in past 48 hours. We have migrate 65 customers and access 132 database to 4 locations up to their options. Effective immediat...
James Huang Transforming the Biopharma Supply Chain The biopharma supply chain involves a complex set of steps that are required to produce a drug, from sourcing and supply of materials, through manufacturing and distribution, to delivery to the consum...
James Huang 無本創業?由鋼之鍊金術師眼光去看生意 BossMind x James Huang專欄 話說三年前有一位又瘦又靚仔嘅KOL - U先生同我吹生意經。「有冇嘢可以每個月唔使做但係有500,000純利?」U先生問我。我笑住俾咗3個方案: 「1. 每個月5,000萬都得,我每個月準時燒俾你。」 「2. 你有2億Cash,做定期,一個月50萬利息一定有。」 「3. 正正經經做一啲有sustainable income 嘅生意。」 ======...