James Huang Making the Transition from Digital to Physical Products In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, filled with apps, notifications, status updates, and email newsletters, a physical product has become somewhat of an afterthought. But perhaps it is o...
James Huang 讀One Piece去學習尋找「生意拍檔」 BossMind x James Huang專欄 E先生曾對我說:「公司只有5個人向我direct report。」 (E先生公司有4,500人;我2009年的JV有500人左右)「Err? 咁少?」 「如果每個direct report,一星期要你3小時,你還有多少時間做正經事?」 <<其之三 生意拍檔該找哪些人>> 在英語的商業世界「Business Partner」和中文的「生意拍檔」用法很...
James Huang 新舊世代戰爭|讀MBA學管理 不如讀海賊王One Piece BossMind x James Huang專欄 E先生是我2009年JV創業時的Mentor;當時他看了我準備新公司架構圖後,微笑(應該是恥笑)地向我說:「哦?MBA?用MBA 去管理公司? 垃圾!」你或許會想,這位E先生有資格恥笑MBA嗎?事實上,他夠資格有餘。E先生是獲AT&T發獎學金,去全球MBA排夠第一學府INSEAD唸EMBA;2003年成立一家軟件服務公司;2008年已經是一家年收入...
James Huang COVID-19 impact to Commercial Real Estate We have been searching for office for expansion in past month, I was shocked with the significant drop of rental. $14,000HKD monthly (inclusive) for a 550sq foot fully furnish office in Jervious Stree...
James Huang 崩塌與重建|請接受現實 疫情是沒有盡頭 BossMind x James Huang專欄 18個月前已預期經濟會反覆向下,只是想不到事情會來得這麼突然及急促,雖然已安排好資產配置但是仍有很多事情沒好好完成。 2020年4月毅然決定離開舒適區,在港建商業軟件公司,有別於其他公司做代理、銷售及市場推廣,我將全副心機投入於創造、創新能力,建立一套自家研發系統。回想起來仍然是一個大膽決定,慶幸夥伴們體諒我的「完美主義」,過去一年用上三倍的力量把...
James Huang MERCURY announces Global Advisory Board to Expand International Growth Advisory Board will provide strategic guidance to companies as they navigate the new Success from Anywhere world. Advisors will strengthen MERCURY's relationships with customers across multiple indust...
James Huang Partnerships Are Essential to the Future of Your Business I had been working on multiple partnership and joint-venture in past 2 months and I would like to share my view on partnerships. We are entering a new age of frictionless business, business have to ke...
James Huang Scheduling Algorithm We are completing the solution for our client and we discover a common issues which has not been optimise in the Digital world. In real-life where several resources are scheduled (appointees, rooms, a...
James Huang That's Orwellian Anyone with a smartphone that uses facial recognition will know it does not really work with a mask on. But some facial-recognition technologies still work pretty well on those wearing a mask. In Janu...
James Huang Supply Chain 5.0 (Idea was raised by client question yesterday: "What is the future of Supply Chain?") Supply Chain 4.0 is the way which products and services are generated with the use of a mix of disruptive technolo... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang Great Business Books You Must Read (Series 1) Hundreds of great business books come out every year. It's not possible to read them all, but here is my own recommended list can help entrepreneurs and leaders at all stages of their careers. Busines...
James Huang CRM System Ready for Data Privacy Laws Tough data protection laws and their regulatory frameworks are fast coming online and businesses must gear up for new rules and regulations. The trend started across the Atlantic with the European Uni...