James Huang Revolutionizing Commerce One of our client recently achieved a significant milestone by transforming its ERP and ecommerce through the innovative use of composable architecture. This case study showcases how adopting a MACH (...
James Huang 財產的價值在於接近經濟活動 Summary The debate over a cheap house in Japan versus high property prices in Hong Kong underscores a fundamental real estate principle: a property's value hinges on nearby economic activity. Japan's ...
James Huang 香港海底隧道的空廣告牌是廣告寒冬還是轉型的跡象? 有報導指出,香港海底隧道的所有廣告看板現在都是空的。這是廣告業不景氣的跡象,還是我們正在目睹廣告業的根本性轉變? 歷史上,海底隧道的四個標誌性廣告牌在高峰期的媒體成本高達 500 萬港元,在 2019 年的抗議活動中甚至只需 300 萬港元(不包括創意和製作成本),這使得許多品牌無法觸及這些廣告牌。然而,成本是次要的,真正重要的是投資是否合理。如今有 500 萬港元可用於媒體支出,人們有無數選擇。...
James Huang PR Planning: How to Create a PR Strategy Effective public relations involve influencing target audiences' attitudes and behaviors. To achieve this, companies require a well-structured digital PR strategy aligned with specific goals and objec...
James Huang 與曾俊華一同前往 SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 的難忘旅程 我們很高興與大家分享最近與香港特別行政區前財政司司長曾俊華先生(中文名稱:曾俊華)的一次難忘的經歷。這次的SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024之旅不僅展示了Mercury的尖端科技和有趣的內容,更是一次充滿活力的思想、創新和未來願景的交流。 探索人工智能與中小企業的交集 在訪問期間,我們有幸與曾先生就人工智能 (AI) 的作用及其對中小型企業 (SME) 的轉型影響進行了深入的對話。他深刻的... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang Battle of AI Hardware Decided Apple, which has hitherto remained reticent about its AI strategy, finally laid out its homegrown AI plan at the recent WWDC. The scheme proposed by Apple is indeed commendable, perfectly leveraging t...
James Huang Navigating the PEST and VUCA World: Setting Objectives and Achieving Success in Challenging Times In an era of unparalleled change and complexity, businesses face an array of challenges that demand strategic agility and robust frameworks for decision-making. Two widely acknowledged models in this ...
James Huang Navigating VUCA: Challenges for Graduate Students and Entrepreneurs in 2024 In the rapidly evolving landscape of 2024, the concept of VUCA—Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity—is more relevant than ever. This acronym, originally coined by the U.S. military, has ...
James Huang Transform Your Traffic into Leads: Mercury's Ultimate Guide to Combining SEO and CRO Combining SEO and CRO forms a harmonious union. Explore these helpful tools and tips if you’re struggling to convert traffic. Understanding SEO and CRO For a long time, there has been a perceived stru...
James Huang Crafting Excellence at Mercury At Mercury Technology Solution, our journey towards greatness is guided by three fundamental elements: People, Product, and Purpose. Drawing insights from industry leaders, books, and HR professionals...
James Huang How Mercury Technology Solution Sets Up Our Company At Mercury Technology Solution, our production setup is firmly rooted in a holistic approach characterized by what we term the “Five C” concept. This methodology ensures that our processes are not onl...
James Huang Gen AI’s Role in Enhancing Workplace Efficiency In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Generative AI (Gen AI) is becoming a pivotal technology, significantly impacting workplace efficiency across various industries. As industries clamor to stay...