James Huang bossmind media select MERCURY as their IT outsourcing partner Technology is the number one force changing the face of business. Constantly evolving and adaptive technology transforms the way companies function, perhaps nowhere more so than in the field of sales ...
James Huang How to make your own FM Station for less than $400 PI-RATE RADIO: How to make your own FM Station for less than $400? Want to build your own radio station? All you need is a Raspberry Pi and a piece of wire. FM radio stations are basically just two th...
James Huang bossmind launches website Is there any reason to launch a new media company? In the era of Facebook, would it be sustainable? Professional editors and writers produce content, bundle it, and distribute it. With websites, media...
James Huang How open-source software transformed the business world? Eric S. Raymond, one of open-source's founders, said in his seminal work, "Every good work of [open-source] software starts by scratching a developer's personal itch." There's a lot of truth to that. ...
James Huang Journalism under fire The last ten years were defined by the twin technological disruptions of mobile and social media, which fragmented attention, undermined advertising-based business models, and weakened the role of jou...
James Huang Who moved my Cheese? We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. — Bill Gates We’re at the start of an extremely bumpy road, my fri...
James Huang Transforming a Traditional Business Traditional businesses, because of the legacy they have in terms of business models and technologies, have struggled with their digital transformation when compared with born-digital companies. While ...
James Huang COVID, acceleration of transformation in Arts & Culture One of the most distinctive outcomes of the crisis for the cultural sector is that it shrunk the global to fit our computer screens and made local events resound globally. The digital or immaterial be...
James Huang Double VPN and when should you use it? Double VPN is a feature that uses two VPN servers instead of one. Also known as multi-hop, this VPN server chaining method gives extra security and privacy. Despite that, the majority of VPN providers...
James Huang Digital Transformation with 青木堂 Digital transformation is a recurring theme in both general and specialized media all over the world. All sectors of the economy and society are being impacted, to a greater or lesser extent, by a wav...
James Huang Transforming the Biopharma Supply Chain The biopharma supply chain involves a complex set of steps that are required to produce a drug, from sourcing and supply of materials, through manufacturing and distribution, to delivery to the consum...
James Huang Stay Relevant and change the Business Model Everything feels different in the world of marketing/ advertising because everything IS different in the world of marketing/ advertising. We’ve always hesitated to call MERCURY as an IT/ consultant co...