James Huang A Full Writing Team in Silicon ChatGPT is a cool AI system that can write human-like text, but it can often produce generic and uninteresting blog posts. So we created MERCURY GPT, a Python program that uses OpenAI’s GPT API to sim...
James Huang What Google’s Generative AI Announcement Means for SEO Google’s Vice President & GM of Search, Elizabeth Reid, recently announced the incorporation of generative AI into its search engine. This huge step signifies a potential shift in how users will inter...
James Huang Why Developers Are Flocking to LLaMA, Meta’s Open Source LLM When it comes to generative AI, the open source community has embraced Meta AI’s LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI), which was released in February. Meta made LLaMA available in several sizes (7B, 1...
James Huang Malcolm Gladwell: The Real Reason David Beats Goliath If you think you know the story of David and Goliath, think again. In his book, "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants," Malcolm Gladwell says most people get this famo...
James Huang Developing AI-powered tools to automate repetitive tasks in SMEs, reducing the need for a large workforce and increasing efficiency ## Introduction Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are an essential part of the global economy, contributing significantly to job creation and economic growth. However, limited resources and bu...
James Huang 假如你不知道「1,000鐵粉理論」 我們生活在一個高度發展的世界,感覺上,好像什麼生意都有人在做,令想要創業的人感到苦惱,因為找不到「可以做咩」的市場切入點。 事實上,生意/ 事業是有的,一定有一些消費者需求沒有被照顧到,我們找到這個空隙,就可以找到商機。 Kevin Kelly 早在 2008 年,就發表了相當著名的「1,000鐵粉理論」:任何從事創作或藝術工作的人,例如藝術家、音樂家、攝影師、工匠、演員、動畫師、設計師、或作家⋯...
James Huang The Rise of AI and Its Impact on Traditional Media Outlets The world is changing at a rapid pace, and the way we consume news and information is no exception. Traditional media outlets have long been the primary source of news, but with the rise of social med...
James Huang Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing is a marketing approach that focuses on initiating engagement with the brand by the consumer. Instead of directly contacting consumers, inbound marketing aims to earn a customer's at... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang AI is creating a post truth world? The question of what is real versus what is true may seem strange. In English, we often use these words interchangeably for convenience, and usually there isn't much issue with that. However, there is... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang Life is Just Like a Game of Go Have you ever played the ancient Chinese game of Go? If you haven't, I highly recommend it. Not only is it a great way to pass the time, but it also has valuable lessons to teach us about life. The ga...
James Huang How is Artificial Intelligence Transforming Digital Marketing? 1. Revolutionizing how marketers approach promotional campaigns by reducing the time to ideate and implement a marketing strategy and providing deep insights into the target audience's likes and disli... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang GPT 已登陸 Mercury!介紹 Mercury 平台上的 AI Content Creator。 Mercury 很榮幸地宣佈 AI Content Creator 的到來,這是 OpenAI 專為內容創作而設計的 GPT 模型的客製化版本。 AI Content Creator 適用於 Mercury 套件中的所有應用程式,包括聊天機器人、電子商務產品說明、電子郵件行銷內容、產品照片和 SEO 關鍵字。只需輸入幾個關於所需文字或現有產品標題的輸入,即可為網站建立自訂內容。此功能可用於產生從吸...