James Huang 釋放有效的領導力:駕馭複雜決策,優先實現團隊成功 When leading a team for an extended period, one realizes that effective leadership is not solely about pursuing personal desires and ambitions. It is about recognizing and leveraging one's own capabil...
James Huang 上大學真的有益處嗎? 最近,我在網上讀到一則新聞,內容是一個人看到以前的同學過著比自己好的生活而感到不滿。他抱怨他以前的同學在學校成績比他差,但現在卻比他過的好。很多人回應說,成績好不一定收入高,這似乎已成為這個時代的共識。 1990年代的香港,只有兩所大學提供學士學位。 在1990年代,香港只有兩所大學提供學士學位。在一代人的時間內,大學的數目增加了超過五倍。我讀大學時,入學率是 16%。現在,入學率超過 37%,台...
James Huang Navigating the Full Remote Work Model and Fostering Productivity Modern Nomadic Style Like every progressive company that understands the transformative power of technology, we at Mercury Technology Solution believe strongly in the importance of leveraging technology to enhance product...
James Huang Mercury's Bold Leap: Embracing the High Productivity of the Remote Work Revolution In the era where flexibility is no longer just a buzzword, but a requisite driving factor, Mercury Technology Solution embraces a bold step, restructuring the company to fundamentally alter its operat...
James Huang Building a Century-Long Company In the current digital age, it's not just enough to build a company that lasts for years or decades. It's essential to create an organization that can endure for a century. At Mercury, we firmly belie...
James Huang Journey to Kuramae Tracing its roots back to Hong Kong's Industrial workshop, Mercury Technology Solution, a leader in delivering cutting-edge tech innovations, has earmarked Kuramae, Tokyo for their newest office. Bypa...
James Huang Technology-Driven Global Expansion for Businesses In today's age of unprecedented globalization, digital transformation is not only impacting individuals but also significantly revolutionizing how businesses operate. Information technology, digital c...
James Huang The Power of Persistence in Learning New Skills Taking the plunge into a new field or trying to master a new skill can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Often, we find ourselves enamored by the idea of quickly acquiring new abilities, mastering...
James Huang How to Create a Centennial Company with the Help of AI and Public Interest Capitalism Introduction Every business leader dreams of building a company that stands the test of time and thrives for generations. However, the average lifespan of a company today is much shorter than it used ... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang Harnessing the Power of AI in ERP Systems for Enhanced Operational Efficiency Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems - the fundamental building blocks in the structural organization of daily business operations - have paved the way to increased efficiency, streamlined proce... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang 擁抱人工智慧:塑造「公益資本主義」 Over the years, companies have struggled to strike a balance between employee satisfaction, societal contributions, and maintaining profitability. In his book 'Bullshit Jobs', anthropologist David Gra... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang Propelling Operational Efficiency To New Heights In the current landscape where digital transformation transcends all traditional boundaries, innovation has become the touchstone of modern business success. One such disruptive innovation streamlinin... #Ai Ai In Business