James Huang Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks Project creep, slipping deadlines, and a to-do list that seems to get longer each day — these experiences are all too common in both life and work. With the new year resolution season upon us, many pe...
James Huang Intangible Hong Kong cultural heritages to see before they vanish With the relentless march of corporate globalisation, trendy, Instagrammable cafés and over-zealous bureaucracy edging out staples of Hong Kong’s societal tent-poles, it’s easy to forget about the tra...
James Huang Business & Marketing Strategy Most marketing agency in the market, that give an 'objective" or 'action' instead of a true strategy, multi-layered, results-driven, actionable, and addressing the who-what-when-where-why-how to achie...
James Huang 全球貿易服務軟體 客戶是一家輕資產供應鏈服務公司,年收入650億(人民幣),服務於高科技產業,正在尋找一套解決方案,以處理應收賬款、應付賬款和物流供應鏈。 豐富洞察力。促成成功。 許多企業都在研究他們的應付帳款和付款流程,以尋求改善績效和提高財務供應鏈健康度的機會。MERCURY 與客戶緊密合作,提供客製化解決方案,透過自動化批核、交叉文件檢查和支援服務,協助客戶處理複雜的應收和應付環境,並進一步整合合規要求流程,...
James Huang ERP project with Play Concept MERCURY provides an integrated set of construction industry-specific solutions designed to seamlessly and effectively manage every aspect of Play Concept's engineering and construction client project....
James Huang Southern District Woman's Association launches website and mobile app Southern District Woman's Association aims to build friendly communities network program, A newly launch program " 友情天" establish and foster neighbourhood relationships and increase community collabor...
James Huang Chief Mouser to MERCURY on board Beau, KiKi and Layla; our new staffs on board to our Chief Mouser Office (CMO) Beau, KiKi and Layla was recruited on recommendation for their sociable, bold, and confident nature. They joined the MERC...
James Huang Business lessons learn from Ocean 11 Danny Ocean dreamed of hitting three Las Vegas casinos and walking away with $150 million in cash. This is one of my favourite movie which inspired me to be a pre-sales consultant. One of my favourite...
James Huang Learn from "Pulp Fiction" to create impactful design Design portfolios (on UX/ UI/ Architecture) and blockbuster movies had become more and more generic. On the design side, reviews and articles shared by “experienced” designers that repeat the same pie...
James Huang Lessons From after watching The Intern (2015) “Everything I learned I learned from the movies.” ― Audrey Hepburn I wonder if authors, script writers, directors, or actors are purposeful in their intent to teach lesson. Or, is the lesson unintenti...
James Huang Murder in San Jose (聖荷西謀殺案) launches website MERCURY is proud to provide our White-Labeled ticketing end to end technology solution (TIXLY) for Hong Kong local playwright Candace Chong Mui-ngam (莊梅岩) and Theatre playwright Olivia Yan (甄詠蓓). For ...
James Huang What John Wick Teaches Us About Professionalism Having retired from his profession, John Wick is drawn back into the world of assassins when his wife passes away and his dog is brutally murdered by a Russian thug. From there, John’s world goes from...