James Huang Inception: Adoption to change in organisation Have you watched the movie Inception? No? Then please watch it before continue reading. We exist in a time when the world is rapidly changing around us, and we in turn need to change in order to keep ...
James Huang Why is ERP system better than what we’re using now? There’s one common refrain we hear from buyers using disparate systems to conduct their processes: “Why is an ERP system better than what we’re using now?” We are glad that you asked. Use business dat...
James Huang Infrastructure Improvement While the world is enjoying their Christmas Holiday. The team here schedule 3 hours in Christmas day to implemented a long planned upgrade. Effective immediately, our database now deployed across mult...
James Huang Moneyball: My key Learnings as a business owner Have you watched the movie Moneyball? No? Then please watch it before continue reading. As a business owner and in parallel provide consulting service to my client, I would like to use this article to...
James Huang Treehouse the Spiritual Shop Launch MERCURY is glad to provide an integrate business solution for Treehouse - the Spiritual Shop which comprise E-Commerce, Appointment Booking, Sales/ Invoice, POS and Accounting System. https://treehous...
James Huang Ticketing Platform for Hong Kong Drama We are proud to provide ticketing platform for Hong Kong local playwright Candace Chong Mui-ngam (莊梅岩) and Theatre playwrightOlivia Yan (甄詠蓓) in mid January, 2021. Thank you for your trust and godspee...
James Huang School Management System, why do you need it? School ERP systems are tools or platforms or applications that help manage the myriad of processes in a school. The best school ERP systems will be robust, agile, and comprehensive in catering to the ...
James Huang 啟發您的電子商務案例研究 在競爭激烈的電子商務領域中,相關性必須是重中之重。 有一天你在,有一天你不在。線上企業必須不斷注意如何讓自己的品牌和產品出現在客戶眼前。 雖然如此,我們還是從真實的電子商務案例中抽出一個來幫助您獲得更多顧客和利潤。...
James Huang Business Plan Essential - Go to Market "To have a success business, you need to have a clear understanding on what you're going to sell and who you're selling it to. 99% first-time entrepreneurs don’t put a great deal of thought/ financial...
James Huang 可擴充的網頁架構:我們如何處理激增 950% 的流量 在 MERCURY,我們的伺服器每個月會收到一億個請求,也就是每天約有三百萬個請求。 但是,這就是「容易」的地方... 當我們的客戶舉辦活動或向市場推出新產品時,挑戰就會出現。最近的一次推出引發了 950% 的流量激增! 讓我們來探討到底發生了什麼事,並解釋我們如何設定基礎架構,以輕鬆處理這類突發事件。 是什麼導致流量激增 950 我們的一位香港客戶是全球街頭時裝品牌經銷商之一。正如您所料,當新產...
James Huang Business Plan Essential - Financial Section "To have a success business, you need to have a clear understanding on what you're going to sell and who you're selling it to. 99% first-time entrepreneurs don’t put a great deal of thought/ financial...
James Huang Decide your Business/ Operation Model The next step in starting up an online business is ask yourself some questions... If product you choose is available in other platform, why do your prospect want to buy from you? What is your value pr...