James Huang KOL, Content Management, and Email Marketing The client is a columnist and investor, who writes a broad range of subject, among them economics, politics, culture, and investment. The writings started over 15 years ago on newspaper columns, and h...
James Huang 專案管理在會計師事務所的價值 專案管理在會計師事務所中有什麼關係? 我們客戶的專案經理關心的是 在公司內的任務移動 。這個角色在 (a) 銷售團隊 (b) 後勤辦公室服務的移動之間劃出了明顯的界線。 這個區別非常重要,因為我們的客戶隨著時間的推移規模越來越大。擁有 3000 多個活躍客戶,他們無法負擔在銷售擴張時不斷增加中層管理人員來監控工作進度。團隊需要大量的頭腦空間來專注於生產工作,並保持專注於這些知識的輸入和輸出。因此,...
James Huang 5 Tips for Running a Company From Abroad As an entrepreneur who travels frequently, I know all too well the anxiety of leaving my business behind. My travels have made me a better entrepreneur and leader, and while not everyone has this insa...
James Huang 合約管理調和、標準化和資料可見性的改善 The client, an asset-light transportation and logistics services company with 60 billion (RMB) per annum revenue, which serves the High Tech Industry, also provides logistics services to the industry ...
James Huang Framework of Professional Service Firm Website Perspective. People. And, Past Experience are the framework we use to think about the content and basic functionality of a modern website for a professional services firm. While the framework itself i...
James Huang How to “earn” when you are living abroad? Introduction The No. 1 rule of personal finance is to spend less than you earn. So if you want to get ahead financially, it’s important to save money where you can. But if you really want to improve y...
James Huang 利用技術進行招聘 感謝科技的好處 - 這就是我們自 COVID-19 爆發以來一直在說的話。 自 COVID-19 爆發以來,我們一直在說這句話。從線上學習和 從線上學習、遠端工作到 Zoom 追蹤、居家健身甚至 Netflix,科技幫助我們維持理智。 幫助我們在這段艱難的時期維持理智。 全世界的企業都必須快速適應並接受科技。 並接受科技。時代確實在改變,許多公司已 轉向完全或部分遠端作業。然而,重要職位的 職位的...
James Huang How to start an online store? Do you have grand visions of working from your laptop while your ecommerce business rakes in sales on auto-pilot? Whether this is your first time setting up a small business or you’ve been in the game...
James Huang 網路商店、訂單管理和 SEO 客戶是一家由香港設計師創立的公司,提供品牌建立服務,並設計批發及零售的成衣產品。 零售業務主要透過 Pop up 活動、與企業合作及寄售等方式進行。 該客戶要推出一系列新產品。隨著covid-19的流行,傳統的零售/批發透過面對面的交易已無法維持。由於消費者的行為/偏好已逐漸成為一種長期的規範,因此從新產品系列推出開始,將業務從傳統的磚頭店轉移到線上是最重要的。 隨著線上需求不斷增加,電子商務解決...
James Huang Privacy Recipe There are times when you need to create a new identity on the internet. For instance, if you are targeted by harassers online, to prevent them from stalking or doxxing you, you may want an account tha...
James Huang Mind Map to Visualize Your Thoughts What is Mind Mapping? Mind mapping is a visual information management tool that helps us structure, organize, memorize, arrange, brainstorm and learn information in a highly specialized way. These day...
James Huang Why cookie-cutter website won't help your business? Even across many industries, professional service websites (i.e. accounting firm, law offices, doctors, etc.) typically have the same architecture, design, and advertising messaging. We encounter a lo...