James Huang 開啟成功之門:Mercury Technology Solutions 如何以尖端產品賦予中小企業力量 在現今快節奏的數位環境中,中小型企業 (SME) 面臨許多挑戰 - 從簡化營運到提升客戶參與。身為中小企業的業主,您知道每一個決策都很重要,尤其是利用正確的技術來推動成長。在 Mercury Technology Solutions,我們致力於提供專為中小企業量身打造的創新解決方案,協助您在競爭日益激烈的環境中取得成功。以下,我們將探討我們的核心產品,以及它們如何讓您的企業獲益。 1.Kaon 訊...
James Huang 使用 Mercury 的 Phygital 解決方案提升您的業務 在日益互聯的世界中,數位與實體體驗之間的界限變得越來越模糊。現今的企業需要在線上和線下的所有渠道中提供無縫互動。Mercury 的 Phygital 解決方案旨在整合這兩個領域並加強客戶互動,從而幫助中小企業茁壯成長。 什麼是 Phygital 解決方案? Phygital 解決方案指的是企業提供給客戶的實體與數位體驗的融合。透過運用先進的技術,Mercury 為中小企業提供必要的工具,以創造能與...
James Huang Mercury 如何提升收入營運 (RevOps) 並提供整個銷售漏斗的能見度 在現今競爭激烈的商業環境中,進步的組織逐漸意識到打破功能孤島的重要性。利用不同的技術和流程,將客戶從一個功能轉移到另一個功能的傳統模式,是收入成長的一大障礙。為了真正茁壯成長,企業必須採用整體性的方法,將所有面向客戶的角色(如銷售、行銷和客戶成功)與技術和資料結合在一起。這就是 Mercury Technology Solution 發揮作用的地方。 銷售漏斗是一個重要的架構,概述了客戶在購買之前...
James Huang 新手使用大型語言模型 (LLM) 的全面指南 In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have redefined the capabilities of artificial intelligence, enabling unprecedented levels of text generation, understanding, and interaction. However, usi... #Ai AI Ai Adoption In Businesses
James Huang 提示工程的詳細指南:掌握與大型語言模型互動的藝術 Prompt Engineering is a crucial practice in the realm of large language models (LLMs) that focuses on crafting effective prompts to guide these models in generating desired outputs. This discipline em...
James Huang 掌握提示工程:有效使用 LLM 的技術與應用 Mastering Prompt Engineering: Techniques and Applications for Effective Use of LLMs Prompt engineering is a vital skill for anyone looking to harness the full potential of Large Language Models (LLMs)...
James Huang 掌握情境提示:利用相關情境提升 LLM 表現 Mastering Contextual Prompting: Enhancing LLM Performance with Relevant Context In the realm of large language models (LLMs), contextual prompting has emerged as a powerful technique to guide these ad...
James Huang 如何製作您自己的 AI 助理 TL;DR: How to Make Your Own AI Assistant Building your own AI assistant involves defining its purpose, selecting the right tools, and training it with suitable data. Choose programming languages like ...
James Huang 建立自訂的第二個大腦工作流程:全面指南 TL;DR: A second brain is a digital system to capture, organize, and manage information, enhancing creativity, organization, and knowledge retention. Here's a quick guide: Understand your needs and goa...
James Huang 使用 AI 和大型語言模型增強您的第二大腦 Incorporating AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) into the second brain concept can significantly elevate your knowledge management and productivity. Here’s how you can harness the power of these tech...
James Huang 瞭解第二個大腦的概念 In our fast-paced, information-rich world, managing knowledge effectively has become more crucial than ever. This is where the concept of a “second brain” comes into play—a system designed to help you...
James Huang 適用於會計師事務所的專案管理軟體 In the evolving landscape of project management for accounting firms, optimizing processes is essential for success. While large firms may rely on comprehensive ERP project management software—often c... #Accounting Ai Erp System Certified Public Accountant Cost Accounting Project Management