James Huang 在人工智能叢林中生存:從非凡創意到及時執行 Introduction As technology continues to advance and artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent, the business world has become increasingly competitive. To succeed in this environment, busines... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang AI 對行銷文案與社群媒體撰稿人的影響 ## Introduction As technology advances, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries has increased. The impact of AI on the job market is inevitable, and the field of marketing is no ... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang AI 如何改善建築工地安全並遵循 ISO 流程 Construction sites are inherently dangerous and complex environments that require constant monitoring to ensure worker safety and compliance with ISO guidelines. By implementing AI technologies, const...
James Huang 適用於會計師事務所的專案管理軟體 在會計師事務所專案管理不斷演進的環境中,優化流程是成功的關鍵。大型公司可能會依賴全面的 ERP 專案管理軟體 - 對於小型企業而言,成本往往過高 - 但對於中小型公司而言,仍有可行的替代方案。我們討論各種工具,從簡單的試算表到經濟實惠的專門專案管理軟體,以有效監督會計專案。 定義專案範圍、管理時間線,以及利用數位資源加強團隊成員間合作的重要性。它強調需要瞭解員工工作量,以改善專案規劃和執行。建議的... #Accounting Ai Erp System Certified Public Accountant Cost Accounting Project Management
James Huang AI 讓建築師的工作岌岌可危 Architects who choose to ignore AI will be left behind and ultimately forgotten as the industry evolves and advances. In the near future, as artificial intelligence becomes adept at generating buildin... #Ai Ai Architecture Ai In Business Job Market
James Huang The Future of Accounting: Will Accountants be Replaced by AI? Introduction Accounting is one of the most important functions of any business. However, with technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), it is becoming increasingly common for busines... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang 藝術家會被 AI 取代嗎? Will AI Replace Artists? If you haven’t considered whether AI art will replace artists, it’s time to start. AI art has taken over online channels like Instagram, Pinterest, and Artstation, and people ... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang AI 及其對於以產品為中心的新創公司的好處 ## Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. Product-centric startups, in particular, can benefit greatly... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang technodystopia:我們是否正邁向現實世界中的「銀翼殺手」? In 1982, Blade Runner captivated audiences with its technodystopian vision of the future. 40 years later, some of its predictions seem to be coming true. With the rapid pace of technological advanceme... #Ai Ai In Business
James Huang 思考的燃料:零售革命 For decades, the goal of automakers the world over has been to make buying and servicing your vehicle with their network as convenient as possible by building more dealers in the right locations to ma...
James Huang Covid 為二手車市場帶來全新數位零售業務模式 The shine may have gone off the new car business but the gloss is still very much on its used car counterpart. Today, used car sales outstrip that of new cars globally . And the key game changer, to m...
James Huang NFT 的未來:公用事業 Despite the rapid evolution of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within the past year, collection strategies that succeeded in 2021 may die a lonely death in 2022 if providers are not one step ahead of the m...